Cleaning Up The CDP Server

Posted By: Tony Baird

Last Updated: Tuesday December 23, 2008

It’s another day another exciting task for me to do at Hawk Host ;) When we were investigating the corruption problem on the CDP server I noticed we did not really have backups spread out well or in some cases there would be 3 servers at one time and at other times none going on at all.  So today I figured it was time to fix that and here’s our new schedule:

Daily 12:00 - skyline 12:30 - saturn 1:00 - venus 1:30 - yoda 2:00 - mars 2:30 - jupiter 3:00 - mercury 3:30 - neptune 4:00 - raptor

Weekly (all on Monday) 6:00 - skyline 6:30 - saturn 7:00 - venus 7:30 - yoda 8:00 - mars 8:30 - jupiter 9:00 - mercury 9:30 - neptune 10 - raptor

So things are a heck of a lot more scheduled now and make a lot more sense then before.

I also was on the phone with the CRA today as we had passed our annual sales amount for Hawk Host Inc. entity and we needed to start charging GST to Canadian customers.  So I am very sorry my fellow Canadian customers but you’ll be charged 5% GST moving forward and we have no way around that.  We’ve grown quite a bit and it’s to a point where there is no question we are so large we need to be charging.  I’ll be making an announcement about this change in our announcement forum some time today.

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