Wordpress 2.8.1 Released
Posted By: Tony Baird
Last Updated: Friday July 10, 2009
Wordpress 2.8.1 was released yesterday and looks like the major reason for upgrading in this case is a new exploit that from my quick reading could be potentially dangerous. You can find the exploit details here. Other than that just a standard set of fixes:
- Certain themes were calling get_categories() in such a way that it would fail in 2.8. 2.8.1 works around this so these themes won’t have to change.
- Dashboard memory usage is reduced. Some people were running out of memory when loading the dashboard, resulting in an incomplete page.
- The automatic upgrade no longer accidentally deletes files when cleaning up from a failed upgrade.
- A problem where the rich text editor wasn’t being loaded due to compression issues has been worked around.
- Extra security has been put in place to better protect you from plugins that do not do explicit permission checks.
- Translation of role names fixed.
- wp_page_menu() defaults to sorting by the user specified menu order rather than the page title.
- Upload error messages are now correctly reported.
- Autosave error experienced by some IE users is fixed.
- Styling glitch in the plugin editor fixed.
- SSH2 filesystem requirements updated.
- Switched back to curl as the default transport.
- Updated the translation library to avoid a problem with mbstring.func_overload.
- Stricter inline style sanitization.
- Stricter menu security.
- Disabled code highlighting due to browser incompatibilities.
- RTL layout fixes.
Full Details at http://wordpress.org/development/2009/07/wordpress-2-8-1/
So I suggest everyone upgrade ASAP to avoid any problems. I figured I’d make a post just so the word gets out there for anyone stumbling on our blog.