Posted By: Brian Farrell
Last Updated: Friday March 5, 2021
You read that right, today we’re happy to announce we’re upgrading the IO limits for all shared, reseller, and semi-dedicated plans! In fact, we’re actually tripling your IO limits, effective immediately, and entirely for free!
Your accounts IO limit is responsible for the amount of disk activity (namely reads and writes) you’re allowed to perform before the activity is limited to prevent server abuse. Over the past few years disk IO has been less of a concern at the server level as the hosting industry has shifted from mechanical (and much slower) HDD based systems to SSD and NVMe powered systems. Here at Hawk Host we’ve taken the SSD and NVMe upgrades to another level by creating cluster/cloud based environments which not only improve data redundancy and integrity but provide a massive increase in the total IO capabilities of our infrastructure as a whole. Our investments in a higher performing backend infrastructure and hardware allow us to pass these improvements onto clients in the form of higher resource limits.
The above table shows the IO upgrades we’ve applied to all clients services. You can view the upgrade by logging in to cPanel and referring to the “Statistics” menu on the right side of your screen, specifically the “I/O Usage” section. By tripling your IO limits you’re now less likely to be limited when your site gets busy or if your software needs to perform some intensive operations. For most clients it’s unlikely you’ve hit your IO limits previously however this upgrade should ensure you won’t encounter any issues as your sites continue to grow.